This has been choreographed in Odissi Style, with Slokas and songs, for Agamani an invocation to goddess Durga.

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To provide the underprivileged children, living on the streets, in remand homes, orphanages and physically challenged children an opportunity for creative statement through various art forms.

To identify talent among these children in the art forms and to further develop them through professional training

To use the various art forms to channelise the negative energies and emotions of underprivileged children into positive activities of dance, singing and mime.

To create an opportunity for 10 talented children to learn and later earn through the forum which will conduct dance recitals and dance dramas performed by the children in India looking for scholarships for further training of the talented children.

To ensure that 120 underprivileged children enjoy their right to creative statement and leisure .


The right to leisure and self statement are guaranteed to all children in India yet underprivileged children such as street and working children, physically challenged children, children living in remand homes and in orphanages very often do not enjoy this right.

There are numerous talented children living on the streets and in these homes whose talents go untutored and undeveloped. The various art forms such as dance, vocal music and mime are very essential in the lives of children who face hardships and have to struggle daily merely to survive, in the process losing their childhood as they provide an avenue of outlet of pent up energies and aggressions . Moreover, they also facilitate creative statement.

To be a good artist you have to be a good human being. Basic human values of kindness, love, generosity are essential to be developed and nurtured in children which find statement in the performance of the child. Hence, children will be given an opportunity to become beautiful human beings through holistic training using the performing arts as a medium.

This proposal is the first step in this larger plan.


This proposal will facilitate the identification of 10 talented children , both boys and girls, between the age group 10years - 16 years, living and working on the streets; incarcerated in remand homes and orphanages and children who are physically challenged through a series of 6 two day workshops conducted by Ms. Ray and her team of professional artists. At the end of the 6 workshops 10 talented children, comprising of four dancers, three singers and three mime artists will form the core team who will receive formal training through individual/group sponsorships organized by the Inspiration Foundation. The second phase of this program will be a partial sponsorship program for all the 10 children so they are able to go to school and learn the performing arts in the evening. The children will be taught by trained professionals specialized in the three art forms. Classes will be held 6 days a week.

Each of the creative workshops will have three hour sessions on dance, vocal music and mime which will ultimately result in all the children developing a small recital and giving a public performance.


This has been choreographed in Odissi Style, with Slokas and songs, for Agamani an invocation to goddess Durga.